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Tag Archives: buy Thisimage

Day 028

One of the purposes of the photo a day project is to learn the different capabilities of the camera. Today is the first time I’ve used the Super Macro function. I need to make a tag or category for the various function I’m experimenting. BuyThisImage!

Day/Pic 10

An outside shot. I finally has time off during daylight when it wasn’t raining. However it did snow a tiny bit. Most of its already melted. BuyThisImage!

Day 008

The magic Christmas Cookie cutter. It’s magic is the power of not being used. Every year it gets unpacked when we decorate. It sits out all Christmas and we never use it. Then it manages to hide as we take down the decorations and it stay out for another month. BuyThisImage!

Day 004

A goblin that lives with us. BuyThisImage! Location: Nashville, Studio